Agency Work | Ogilvy & Mather, Paris

The woman that moved Paris

We asked Siabatou Sanneh, a Gambian woman who walks long distances every day to collect water for her family, to walk in the Paris Marathon with a jerrycan full of water and a sign that read: “In Africa, women walk this distance every day for clean water. Help shorten the distance.” Siabatou’s simple, but powerful act grabbed the attention of not only the spectators at the marathon but the entire world and helped raised much needed funds for Water for Africa.

The Documentary

We edited a 26 minute documentary to tell the full story of the work that Water for Africa is doing and Siabatou’s journey to the Paris Marathon. The rights for the documentary were bought by SKY TV and aired on tv in Italy with other broadcasts coming soon.

We created a website for the activation and every time a person donated you would visibly see the distance shorten.


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